
“A Body in Motion” from JAKE the Anti-Literary Magazine, a CNF chapbook

In A Body in Motion, Melissa Flores Anderson explores questions of identity, health and family while challenging the traditional form of narrative nonfiction.

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Print order $10

Advance Praise for “A Body in Motion”

“Melissa Flores Anderson’s A Body in Motion grips the heart as well as the mind. For all those who have ever lost sight of their own body as they’ve traversed the worst of the medical industry or rolled with the ups and downs of having a crush, this book is for you. And for those who’ve then stubbornly regained confidence in their body after such misadventures, this book is doubly for you. Absorbing, soft, and incisive, it’s a great read.”

Maud Lavin, author of CUT WITH THE KITCHEN KNIFE–a New York Times Notable Book, CLEAN NEW WORLD, and PUSH COMES TO SHOVE

“In her debut chapbook, Melissa Flores Anderson defines her own literary physics with nine pieces of creative non-fiction that are always in motion. Patients push back. Pain pushes in and out. Family histories weave their way throughout. Anderson’s characters’ lives move forward and backward as they try, succeed and fail, defy expectations, and life, perhaps even physics. These are journeys of moving cross country, across continents, to and from colleges, away and to jobs. Each narrative becomes its own equation punctuated with numbers; the counting of prescriptions, degrees, days, prescriptions, diagnosis, homes, pregnancies, losses, family, alternative lives that might have been, and each movement marked in words. These are wholly Anderson’s words, but there’s also a universality on each page as readers take in her stories of movement and see elements of their own lives too. Her memoir is moving in every sense – emotionally, through each word, character and place, and ultimately, the lives lived off the page.”

Amy Barnes, author of CHILD CRAFT

A review of “A Body in Motion” in Bending Genres by François Bereaud

Interview in Speaking of Marvels blog with William Woolfitt

“Motel, An Anthology”

From Cowboy Jamboree Press and Editor Barbara Byar, this anthology includes 28 tales of murder, mayhem, melancholy and magic.

Read Flores Anderson’s, “Let it Be at the Wee-Bay,” a love story, a ghost story and a sad story all in one.

Available for purchase online.

“Awakenings: Stories of Body & Consciousness” (Anthology)

From ELJ Editions, edited by Diane Gottlibe with a Foreword by Gayle Brandeis. This collection includes 49 CNF stories from writers, including Melissa Flores Anderson.

Read her story, “Layers,” a CNF about body, trauma and resilience.

Limited copies signed by Melissa Flores Anderson available for $18, plus $2 shipping. Venmo or Paypal accepted. Use contact form below to arrange purchase: